Perfect Bacon, Every Time! 3

You may not think of Bacon as a “lean” product.  Get ready for a pig surprise!

While researching sources for color-coded cleaning equipment for a set of shadow boards, I made an interesting discovery.  Our friends at Munsell Color have found a great use for one of their products by using a color chart to analyze bacon’s properties.

Perfect bacon, every time!

Perfect bacon, every time!

Since a good deal of the food in my house gets burnt (we are running at about 2 Sigma here), this “Bacon Poka Yoke” really resonated with me.  I thought that it might be fun to apply this tool to a few other areas around the house.

Here are three areas where color charts can be used to improve your daily activities:

  1. Are my “whites” really white? Hey, nobody really knows what’s gotten into the water before it comes to the house.  Flint, Michigan residents know that, and apparently there are quite a few other places on that same list.  So it’s no surprise that your laundry might not be getting as clean as it could.  Having a color standard to compare your final product (your clean laundry) to could make the difference in knowing you look good, to just thinking you look good.
  2. What’s that stain? Hey, I know its gross.  But you know you’ve been there too…  You see a puddle on the floor, but what the heck is it?  Did the kid spill a drink?  Is the dishwasher leaking?  Or is the cat sending you a not-so-subtle message that it is displeased with your recent behaviors?  It would be easier to take appropriate cleanup actions if you had a color chart to compare to your new discovery.  Otherwise you may end up wasting time cleaning things too deeply (or not deeply enough.  Gross.)
  3. Who’s Playing? With the Olympics coming soon, we’re about to be exposed to team colors that make absolutely no sense to us.  Why not have a color chart that can help you figure out who’s playing?  While you’re at it, make a chart for professional soccer too.  And send me a copy, because I have no idea what’s going on there.

I could go on with this list all day.  But I’m really craving some bacon.

What are your thoughts?  What other uses are there for color charts?  Leave a comment and share your thoughts.  Then go get some bacon.

3 thoughts on “Perfect Bacon, Every Time!

  1. Reply Matt Warnert Jul 27,2016 10:55 pm

    lol last couple posts have had me cracking up. Describing cooking at a 2 sigma level. I’m stealing that one.

  2. Reply Matt Warnert Jul 27,2016 11:04 pm

    Sadly your link to the bacon color chart is broken. I need that…for science.

  3. Reply Anthony DoMoe Jul 28,2016 12:14 am

    Thanks for the note, Matt. It looks like their site was down, but is now back up. And not a moment too soon… I’m getting hungry again!

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