Crunchy Ranch Dressing 1

Crunchy Ranch Dressing
With the start of the new year, I polled my followers on Twitter and asked what they’d like to see me blog about in 2017.  Overwhelmingly, the answer was “statistics” (weird, right?).  However, before I move into that realm I’d like to write about my experiences today as a customer, and how they could have ...

The 5S Fly-by 1

The 5S Fly-by
Continuous Improvement is challenging.  It seems some days as if there just isn’t enough time, and although there is a never-ending list of improvement opportunities some days you just can’t seem to get anything done.  But there is something you can do about it.  I call it the “5S Fly-by”. A 5S Fly-by can be ...

How Respect Influences Engagement 2

How Respect Influences Engagement
I recently conducted a 5S workshop and encountered what is commonly referred to as “the frozen middle” (mid-level managers who, either intentionally or unintentionally impede change).  While working with my team to design our new process flow, a member of our front-line leadership team walked past us and commented that our design “would never work” ...