Lean Dating 5

What is “Lean Dating”, and how do you get in on this magical system?

I’m happily married so I don’t get to suffer the “joys” of dating any more.  But if I’m ever cloned, I’ve got some good advice lined up for my “other me”: Date lean.


First off, I’d use a “pull” system.

Looks like she's scoping out her next date!

Looks like she’s scoping out her next date!

Dating tends to be a “push” system.  Producers (single people) flood their output (their single selves) into the market.  There is no defined agreement between suppliers and potential customers, so there is likely to be a mismatch between supply and demand.  Maybe there will be excess demand and the supplier will have difficulty finding enough free time on the calendar for all of his (or her) dates.

More likely, the supplier is simply producing too much of something that is neither wanted nor needed.  As a result, neither suppliers nor customers get what they really need from the system.  Supply isn’t matched up with demand, there is waste in the system, and nobody is happy.

A “pull” system, in contrast, has three elements that keep things running smoothly:

  1. A defined agreement between suppliers and customers: What will be made, how many will be made, and when and where the “things” will be delivered.
  2. Dedicated resources: Logistics resources, for example, would be shared between the supplier and customer. A good example would be storage locations or even the electronic connection between ERP systems.
  3. Control methods: some sort of control method that holds the agreement in place. These must constrain both parties to maintain their agreement.

So how does this work in the dating world?

Great question; I’m glad you asked!

Online dating can function as a great “pull” system.  Yep, it is an online marketplace.  A virtual meat-market, if you will.  It allows both parties involved to act both as both supplier and customer.  In order for the system to work well, of course, there must be a defined agreement.  Either through traditional online dating (where you selectively use your message inbox acts as a Kanban), or using newer methods (like swiping left or right to send signals to fill your Kanban, or that your Kanban is full) you get to review available products and request new ones when you are ready.

Once a match is made, a meeting can take place and resources (time, dinner, drinks, etc.) can be dedicated

Control methods are provided by the technology used.  Matches are either automated or made by reviewing profiles.  Either way, both supplier and customer activities are controlled by the mutually-agreed-upon technology.

Regardless of the analogy used, a “pull” system creates flow and reduces WIP.  It is a great way to increase a system’s efficiency.  And although a Kanban is technically “waste designed into the system”, don’t let your date hear you call her that!

Where else do you find unexpected “pull” systems?  Leave a comment and share your thoughts!

5 thoughts on “Lean Dating

  1. Reply Matt Warnert Jul 25,2016 10:09 pm

    Thanks for the article Anthony! I got a good laugh out of it.

  2. Reply Daisy K. Campos Jul 26,2016 6:40 pm

    Love the article and enjoyed reading it. It’s funny but true about Lean Dating!

  3. Reply Anthony DoMoe Jul 27,2016 8:33 pm

    Thanks guys. I only hope is that someone will one day spin this into an amazing pickup line to use at a Lean conference.

  4. Pingback: Lean Dating https://t.co/uKRJK8vr8d… ← Anthony DoMoe

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