The 5S Fly-by 1

The 5S Fly-by
Continuous Improvement is challenging.  It seems some days as if there just isn’t enough time, and although there is a never-ending list of improvement opportunities some days you just can’t seem to get anything done.  But there is something you can do about it.  I call it the “5S Fly-by”. A 5S Fly-by can be ...

Make It Important 2

Make It Important
In any change leadership situation, it can be challenging to get buy-in from the people involved.  This is especially true when changing culture. There are many ways to approach this challenge in Continuous Process Improvement.  Involving those affected by the change in the decision-making process is incredibly important, as is communication of expectations. Quite possibly ...

How Respect Influences Engagement 2

How Respect Influences Engagement
I recently conducted a 5S workshop and encountered what is commonly referred to as “the frozen middle” (mid-level managers who, either intentionally or unintentionally impede change).  While working with my team to design our new process flow, a member of our front-line leadership team walked past us and commented that our design “would never work” ...

Changing Micro-Managers’ Behavior 2

Changing Micro-Managers' Behavior
If you’re like me, you can’t stand being micromanaged.  Micromanagement crushes productivity and morale.  Nobody wants to work for a micro-manager. The worst part is that micro-managers don’t usually realize that they are causing problems.  They feel that they are being proactive and doing an extra-groovy job ensuring that the job gets done.  So simply ...