Strike While the Iron is Hot! 4

Strike While the Iron is Hot!
Many of us have heard these mantras (or some version of them): “People like change, but nobody wants to change” or “People want to do change, but don’t want change done to them” I live in a home with 5 adults, three children, two dogs, six chicken and a cat.  Needless to say, there are ...

Challenges With Data 1

Challenges With Data
A recent article in Harvard Business Review calls to attention some of the challenges inherent in analyzing Human Resources data.  The writer, Peter Cappelli, points out that analysis of HR data is hampered by a variety of factors including legal issues encountered when crossing international borders, lack of abundant data, and a sense that not ...

Crunchy Ranch Dressing 1

Crunchy Ranch Dressing
With the start of the new year, I polled my followers on Twitter and asked what they’d like to see me blog about in 2017.  Overwhelmingly, the answer was “statistics” (weird, right?).  However, before I move into that realm I’d like to write about my experiences today as a customer, and how they could have ...